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Up to Speed with godspeed



Get up to speed with Publishing Producer godspeed on Tier 2 gear, weapon mastery, and combat changes coming in Wilds of Talandre. These bite-sized overviews of key gameplay updates will quickly prepare you for what to expect when you roam the rugged terrain and unusually rampant demonic beasts throughout Talandre. Let us know what you’re looking forward to experiencing next in Solisium.

Tier 2 Gear

Master powerful Tier 2 Weapons with unique effects to bolster your abilities in any combat scenario. Players can expect new Tier 2 weapons and Armor to be available over time. The items will drop from the new field bosses, abyss dungeons, and co-op dungeons. Players can also craft certain gear with tokens received from various encounters.

Weapon Mastery

Our weapon mastery revamp will introduce another layer of personalization as you progress your favorite weapons. Select nodes, alter or empower skills through key nodes, and experiment with different weapons and builds to unlock special skills across your entire arsenal.

Combat Changes

Experience even more immersive battles through improved targeting, longer melee attack range, and faster player speed in combat. Fighting for the throne has never felt so satisfying.

Thanks for your support! We can’t wait to welcome players to our new zone when the free Wilds of Talandre expansion releases on March 6.