Image de jeu en arrière-plan

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Thank You for Joining the Closed Beta Test



As the Closed Beta Test servers close at 1PM PT today (8PM UTC), we want to thank everyone that took the time to participate. We appreciate your support as we continue to work together towards an even more enjoyable release. Each piece of feedback pushes our teams at Amazon Games and NCSOFT to deliver the best possible experience in Solisium.

We’d like to remind everyone that this is a Confidential playtest of THRONE AND LIBERTY and your participation in this pre-release test is subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement in Section 2.8 of our Conditions d'utilisation En y participant, vous vous engagez à la plus stricte confidentialité. Il n'est pas autorisé de divulguer, sous quelque forme que ce soit, le contenu de ce test, y compris toute information sur le jeu, ses fonctionnalités, sa date d'annonce et notre programme de publication. Toute violation de cet accord de confidentialité sera prise au sérieux.

Thanks for taking the time to explore our progression, leveling experience, economy, combat, and events. We’re excited to use your feedback and data gathered in this test to further improve the game. As a small token of appreciation, check out this new song, “Oh Beautiful Star”, from NCSOFT.

Stay tuned to our social channels and website for future updates. Voilà où vous pouvez nous trouver :

Nous nous retrouverons en Solisium.